Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is no Superhero.  It’s now apparent that he’s just another big phony.  What a let down he turned out to be.  And one of his last despicable acts on the way out of office was to commute the prison sentence of Esteban Nunez, the son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.  There’s no GOOD reason to commute this sentence.  It’s Crony capitalism at its worst and it mustn’t be tolerated.  What now former Governor Schwarzenegger did was disgusting, sneaky and obviously showed favoritism — The families of Esteban Nunezes victims didn’t even learn about the commuted sentence until contacted by the media.  That’s just not right!  And dodging questions about it is unacceptable.  Although he doesn’t really say, we already know WHY he did it.  And if we can’t do anything about it now, his decision should be made hard to live with.  I’ll tell him if I see him.  Booooo and hasta la vista wimpy.