Who Are You California?  You vote to raise taxes on yourself again?  Really?  It’s another easy way out for politicians on our backs.  How does the majority not see it?  I’m speechless and disappointed, and question what’s going on in my native state.

On the eve of the election, that’s all I’ve got to say about it for now.  I voted.  Did you?

11/20/12 Update: I’m concerned about “Obamacare” and numerous important issues, but need to respect the election results — I continue to hope and pray for what’s best for America and Americans as a whole.  It’s time for good decisions to be made.

More money spent on GAS is less money spent everywhere else.  It’s bad on so many trickling levels, as it hurts industry and consumers alike by driving up the cost of countless other things.  I could write pages about the fallout, but it’s a drain as is.  We mustn’t do nothing to change the current circumstances — The price reads $85.96.

Why are non-citizen rights becoming more important than the rights of US citizens and protection of all?  I concede no argument for it.  Jerry Brown and Antonio Villaraigosa aren’t working for you and here’s another example — When caught at a DUI Checkpoint, unlicensed drivers may soon be allowed to telephone another to pick up his/her vehicle instead of having it impounded.  We, licensed drivers aren’t allowed that luxury.  How is that logical or fair?  Let’s get them driving again without a license (and possibly drunk) asap.  It just doesn’t make sense.  Please consider your votes Californians.  Why these two clowns (and others similarly situated) over and over?  And bravo to those who draw attention to bad political maneuvers like this.

Capitalism gave you a job!  Don’t you get it?  Wall Street certainly isn’t perfect, but it’s their Washington bedfellows that have created much of the economic problems we’re facing today.  Instead, Occupy Washington, DC to compel Politicians to fix the problems with Wall Street, etc.  Tell them to stop cozying up to the detriment of the American people.  I’m sure many Politician are relieved to see Occupy Wall Street’s misdirected anger.  From what I’ve seen and heard, much of the protesters don’t even know what they’re fighting for.  The movement takes the real focus off bad political decisions and “crony” capitalism.

Where is the incentive for legal immigration?  Can anyone answer that?  There’s plenty of incentive for illegal immigration.  Does that seem right?  It doesn’t.  And it’s not.

There is nothing to think or talk about, nothing to study or review, nothing to listen to or acknowledge — The answer should still be NO.  No new or extended taxes, fees or charges should be assigned to the American people.  We’re taxed enough and the money is being wasted.  Agreeing to pay more allows the waste to continue unchecked.  Tell the Politicians to stop asking for more and start doing their jobs right.  We employ them.

As an Affiliate of Amazon’s Associates Program, I received the following e-mail.  Once again Politicians are hard at work quashing our ability to earn a living, because it’s easier to assess fees, taxes, tolls and tariffs than it is to do their respective jobs — It’s a continued grab and waste game that needs to stop.  Though Amazon’s decision has a direct impact on me, I applaud them for immediately dropping out.  What other business is it going to kill?

Hello. Unfortunately Governor Brown has signed into law the bill that we emailed you about earlier today. As a result of this, contracts with all California residents participating in the Amazon Associates Program are terminated effective today, June 29, 2011. Those California residents will no longer receive advertising fees for sales referred to Amazon.com, Endless.com, MYHABIT.COM or SmallParts.com. Please be assured that all qualifying advertising fees earned before today will be processed and paid in full in accordance with the regular payment schedule.

You are receiving this email because our records indicate that you are a resident of California. If you are not currently a resident of California, or if you are relocating to another state in the near future, you can manage the details of your Associates account here. And if you relocate to another state in the near future please contact us for reinstatement into the Amazon Associates Program.

To avoid confusion, we would like to clarify that this development will only impact our ability to offer the Associates Program to California residents and will not affect your ability to purchase from Amazon.com, Endless.com, MYHABIT.COM or SmallParts.com.

We have enjoyed working with you and other California-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program and, if this situation is rectified, would very much welcome the opportunity to re-open our Associates Program to California residents. As mentioned before, we are continuing to work on alternative ways to help California residents monetize their websites and we will be sure to contact you when these become available.

Regards, The Amazon Associates Team

It’s great to see Representative Anthony Weiner exposed — I knew little of him before the sexting report, though did think he was a bit obnoxious.  And frankly when the sexting story broke, I didn’t pay much attention until he claimed to have been hacked.  What?  That’s a serious allegation and not true.  And now I see the TRUE IMPORTANCE of the story — It’s to show how easily and aggressively politicians lie to the public.  Mr. Weiner told lie after lie after lie, blamed others, down played the issue and mocked the inquisition, common moves in the political playbook.  Do you really think a big liar is going to do what’s best for you?  They promise to, but Mr. Weiner and numerous others are too busy looking out for themselves.  Re-establish integrity, dump them as spouses and politicians.  Nobody needs crap.

Are you kidding me?  You MSNBC people really think that way?  When I initially tune in to hear what’s being said, it’s comical to me, then after about a 1/2 hour or so, it’s maddening and I can’t turn the channel fast enough.  Politics is Not a Sport will be expanding on this issue and many others in the weeks to come.  I’m not happy about what’s happening to our great country and much of the media is lost or just doesn’t care.

It’s sad to think that some go through life being oppressed by another man, woman or nation, by way of intimidation, assault, control, or any means.  What gives someone the right to negatively affect another’s pursuit of a decent life?  It hurts to learn about the unacceptable atrocities going on around the world.  For those far away, I will always pray.  Growing up I thought the United States was a great, invincible nation.  And as an adult, I know the United States is great, but nothing is invincible.  While other nations try to liberate, oppression is creeping into America.  It’s in the form of financial burden, job loss, and so many other immeasurable troubles attributed to bad political decisions, self-serving fraud and deceit that doesn’t take into consideration what’s best for the American people and the country as a whole and an enabling, irresponsible media that no longer cares about the truth.  All need to be held accountable and these things mustn’t continue to be tolerated.

Today on Martin Luther King Day and everyday I have great respect for the tremendous patience of Martin Luther King, Jr. — This was noted on Nibbles of Tidbits and linked here, since also applicable to Politics is Not a Sport.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is no Superhero.  It’s now apparent that he’s just another big phony.  What a let down he turned out to be.  And one of his last despicable acts on the way out of office was to commute the prison sentence of Esteban Nunez, the son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.  There’s no GOOD reason to commute this sentence.  It’s Crony capitalism at its worst and it mustn’t be tolerated.  What now former Governor Schwarzenegger did was disgusting, sneaky and obviously showed favoritism — The families of Esteban Nunezes victims didn’t even learn about the commuted sentence until contacted by the media.  That’s just not right!  And dodging questions about it is unacceptable.  Although he doesn’t really say, we already know WHY he did it.  And if we can’t do anything about it now, his decision should be made hard to live with.  I’ll tell him if I see him.  Booooo and hasta la vista wimpy.

I still write here — I’m just depressed about California’s election results on most fronts.  It appears the naive were recruited in force and we’re now left with numerous battles to be fought.  I’m currently paralyzed to write more, since there are too many problems with my beautiful home state — Excessive business taxes, regulations and restrictions, Mafioso-esk labor unions, high taxes, so-called sanctuary cities, political fraud and deceit, etc.  We mustn’t stop combating these things or we’re surely going off a cliff.  Don’t give up or give in to what’s wrong.

Voting is a very IMPORTANT tool you have and it’s essential that you use it now.  Please vote on November 2, 2010 — America must be put back on track.  Too many unacceptable things are happening to our great nation and people.  Citizens don’t forget that Politicians work for YOU, not themselves.  Remind them.  All must be held accountable for what’s been promised and we need not accept less.  The fraud, constant political bargaining, lies and theft have to stop.  It’s ruining the quality of the one life we all have here.  It’s imperative that we start heading in the right direction, to carry out the true will of the American people.  And if you don’t vote, don’t complain, because apathy is part of the problem.  Please read up and vote!

Larry Elder is back on KABC 790AM Talk Radio.  His new show is from 9AM – Noon, Monday through Friday.  America needs him more than ever!  It was a sad day in talk radio when he left KABC at the end of 2008, and now happy days are here again.  He’s intelligent, tough, informed, funny, wise and doesn’t back down.  There should be more like him.  Thanks for all you do Larry Elder — Will you marry me?  Just kidding about that last part (inappropriate, I know), but many do love you.  You fight for what’s important and right. 🙂

A Mosque at Ground Zero?  Once again it appears that sensitivity is being applied to the wrong group of people.  Many victim’s families say NO.  We say NO too!  Build it somewhere else — That should be it.  Why is it being forced upon them and the rest of us?  We’re tired of the will of the American people being ignored.

When and why did the mainstream media, so-called journalists and news agencies stop caring about the truth?  When and why did most stop asking the hard questions?  It seems the majority now have an agenda and/or try to protect special interests, rather than report the real news.  Americans want the FACTS and America needs them in order to thrive. 

When did the tolerance of lies become acceptable?  It’s not — And it’s time we Americans start demanding unbiased news from those who act like they’re reporting it.  We mustn’t let the important, tough questions go unanswered.  America needs honest, fearless reporters (media outlets) who will consistently fight for what’s right — Otherwise what’s the point, it’s poor entertainment.  What’s happening now is a facade of journalism that’s bad for America.

“Accountability Experts” NEEDED = A New Media that asks ALL questions necessary to report important, straightforward news.  The first order of business will be an internal investigation to learn WHY our current media doesn’t care about the truth.  The second order of business will deal with uncovering political corruption.

Note:  There are more Americans than Politicians, which is hopeful, but the “media” has control over what’s assimilated through the airwaves, which is kinda sketchy.

We believe in the rule of law — Kudos to the City of Costa Mesa, my city who believes in the same.  Thank you for taking an important stand.  It’s ultimately for the benefit of all people and the right thing to do.  It’s simple, don’t break the law and you won’t have a problem.  There’s nothing to argue about.  It’s not fair to those who obey the law.  And boycotting Arizona is just plain stupid, especially when those who are supposed to uphold the law do it.  It doesn’t help anyone.  Our politicians have created a mess for citizens and non-citizens alike.  It’s unacceptable and Americans of all colors need to tell them that!  It should be about protecting America, not boycotting a state trying to enforce the law.  Support Arizona.

It’s a Civil War: What We Do Now, by Dennis Prager (March 23, 2010)

A terrible thing happened to America on Sunday, March 21, 2010. The country took its biggest step ever down a road diametrically opposed to its original intent of keeping the state small so that the individual can be free and great.  Therefore, in this unprecedented crisis of values, this is what needs to be done:

1. Know and teach America ‘s core values.

We got to this point solely because over the past few generations, Americans have forgotten the values that have made America distinctive and great. Even the “Greatest Generation” failed to communicate them. In a nutshell, they are what I call the American Trinity: “In God we trust,” ” Liberty ” and “E Pluribus Unum.” The left has successfully made war on all three — substituting secularism for God and religion in as much of American life as possible; substituting equality (of result) for liberty; and multiculturalism is the opposite of “E Pluribus Unum.”

People who do not understand American ideals — especially small government — now dominate our schools, our entertainment media and our news media. (My own contribution here is a video titled, “The American Trinity” at prageru.com. Please view it and forward it.)

2. Recognize that we are fighting the left, not liberals.

Conservatives and centrists are no longer fighting liberals. We are fighting the left. Liberalism believed in American exceptionalism; the left not only does not believe in it, the left opposes it. President Obama, when asked if he believes in American exceptionalism, replied, “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism, and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.”

Liberalism believed in creating wealth; the left is interested in redistributing it.

Liberalism believed in a strong defense. The left believes in cutting defense and a strong United Nations.

3. Democrats should be referred to as Social Democrats.

This is not meant to be cute, let alone as a slur. But calling Democrats Social Democrats is an effective way of reminding Americans that there is no longer any difference between what is now known as the Democratic Party and the Social Democratic parties of Europe . When the Democratic Party returns to its roots as a liberal, not a left-wing, party, we will happily resume calling the party by its original name. However, since no Democrat can cite a significant difference between the Democratic Party and the SD parties, there is no good reason not to use the more accurate nomenclature.

4. Work tirelessly to repeal the bill.

We must single-mindedly work to repeal the government health plan. We all know that it is difficult to repeal entitlements because they are like drugs and it is very difficult to wean people off drugs. But it is not impossible. We need to warn our fellow Americans that entitlements will do to America what drugs eventually do to addicts.

All Republicans must run for office on the “repeal” issue. Even when they lose, the difference between right and left, between Republicans and Social Democrats will have been made clear; and clarity is our best friend.

5. Our motto: “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.”

I used this phrase in addressing the Republican members of Congress. It has become widely used, including by Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif., on the House floor during the Congressional debate on Sunday. It encapsulates this epic battle of American values versus leftist values. Every movement needs a motto. I nominate this.

6. Do not let other matters distract.

Neither Republicans nor conservatives are united on every issue facing America . Immigration is one example. But we are united on the big government vs. free individual issue, which, more than anything else, has defined America . If we allow any other domestic issue to divide us, we will lose.

And here’s why: If Americans forget what America stands for, it won’t help us if there is not one illegal immigrant here.

And if we do remember what it means to be American, we can handle anything.

7. Acknowledge that we are in a non-violent civil war.

I write the words “civil war” with an ache in my heart. But we are in one. Thank God this civil war is non-violent. But the fact is that the left and the rest of the country share almost no values. The American value system and the leftist value system are irreconcilable. If the left wins, America ‘s values lose. If American values prevail, the left loses.

After Sunday’s vote, for the first time in American history, one could no longer confidently believe that the American system will prevail. And if we don’t fight for it, we don’t deserve it.

Green is the new black for politicians.  It’s also the new black for marketers.  Green is being used to sell you stuff, take away stuff, advance agendas, guilt you into submission, scare you, get you to pay more, etc.  Don’t buy a product or plan just because it has a so-called “green” label is attached to it.  Green is being used!  Politicians hope to bring in more green by emphasizing green to hopefully get them back in the black.  It appears to be a possible ticket out of the mess they’ve created — They’re hoping to get the American people to pay more under the guise of green.  And marketers are just wanting to sell you more products.  Don’t fall for any of it.  Think for yourself and continue to recycle — That still makes sense.

As previously reported on Politics is Not a Sport, Arnold Schwarzenegger, California’s current Governor has been nothing but a disappointment.  And now he wants to sell the Orange County Fair Grounds, which only places a band-aid on a continuously bleeding wound.  It’s another disservice to California (especially Orange County) residents and more bad decisions being made by Politicians to simply plug the mess they’ve created.  Arnold should be considered The Fun Terminator — What great ideas he’s had to close State Parks, sell the Fair Grounds and keep taking away from the people.  It’s a terrible thing.  Please write him an e-mail to express your frustration with this decision and many others.  He’s supposed to be working for the people and needs to be reminded of that.

I concur with Brigitte Gabriel regarding her assessment of political correctness and further believe it’s truly hurting America.  Politicians need to stop pandering and make decisions that are best for Americans and America as a nation.

It’s now December and Christmas is December 25th — It’s just not another “holiday.”  Based on current advertising, the American Family Association posted a list of Naughty or Nice national retailers.  It notes the companies avoiding or banning the use of the word Christmas in their advertising, which we feel is more political correctness run amuck.  We recommend that you DO NOT shop at the stores refusing to acknowledge Christmas, and take note of the companies recognizing the real reason for the season.  Merry Christmas!

Who is putting our country first?  It’s certainly not our politicians.  I pondered this question and the only answer is… Our military, veterans, troops — They’re truly putting our country first.  God bless them.  And now it’s time for our politicians (Democrat and Republican) to start putting our country first and stop wasting the immense sacrifices of our precious soldiers.