The Race Card

We believe in the rule of law — Kudos to the City of Costa Mesa, my city who believes in the same.  Thank you for taking an important stand.  It’s ultimately for the benefit of all people and the right thing to do.  It’s simple, don’t break the law and you won’t have a problem.  There’s nothing to argue about.  It’s not fair to those who obey the law.  And boycotting Arizona is just plain stupid, especially when those who are supposed to uphold the law do it.  It doesn’t help anyone.  Our politicians have created a mess for citizens and non-citizens alike.  It’s unacceptable and Americans of all colors need to tell them that!  It should be about protecting America, not boycotting a state trying to enforce the law.  Support Arizona.

If someone calls you a racist and you’re not, so what.  It’s their problem.  You need not go on the defensive to prove otherwise.  Let the truth you know set you free.  The race card is so played — It’s now time to stop the blame.  Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton (and alike) have negatively impacted interractial relations with their constant political positioning, misplaced emphasis and divisive rhetoric, if you can even follow what each is ever saying.

And to the actual racists in this world (black, brown, white, etc.), stop the ignorance, wisen up and be more productive.  What’s the point of being an idiot?  Likewise, one who wrongly plays the race card makes it harder to identify the real problems to be remedied — That’s not smart either.

How are Leaf Blowers allowed to exist?  They obviously pollute and annoy.  Just walk by one to breathe in the gas fumes and the debris being BLOWN into the air.  Why do its operators wear masks if it’s okay for the rest of us?  I usually see the debris being blown from one property to another — From the paying neighbor’s yard out onto the public streets, or onto another neighbor’s car or yard.  Why can’t the debris be swept and picked up like it used to be?  It’s relatively not that strenuous of a job.

Leaf Blowers are a nuisance and should be completely banned.  How do they exist in such a hypersensitive environmental culture?  Is it politics?  The race card?  I really hope not.  I’m sorry all Gardeners, Leaf Blowers aren’t good for the overall public, especially how I see them being used.

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