There is nothing to think or talk about, nothing to study or review, nothing to listen to or acknowledge — The answer should still be NO.  No new or extended taxes, fees or charges should be assigned to the American people.  We’re taxed enough and the money is being wasted.  Agreeing to pay more allows the waste to continue unchecked.  Tell the Politicians to stop asking for more and start doing their jobs right.  We employ them.

In California’s upcoming Special Election on May 19, 2009, PLEASE VOTE NO on Measures 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E .  Make our Politicians act responsibly with the money they’re already taking from us.  It’s ENOUGH!  Force them to stop the fraud, waste, bribes, convolution and special interest pay outs — It’s time to do what’s best for America.  Taking more money out of our pockets for the same negligent use doesn’t make us stronger.  The failing status quo only continues.  Send the Politicians back to work to make better decisions.  Stop falling for political scare tactics and VOTE NO on the aforementioned Measures.  And YES on 1F only.

Learn More Information HERE:

UPDATE:  Good job California voters — You did it.,0,5134709.story