After watching tonight’s Presidential Debate, it’s evident that I’ll be voting for John McCain — Not because I’m falsely persuaded, like much of the media is going to tell me, but because I’m an intelligent thinking adult.  Presidential Debates are important to hear more than sound bites and elite media interjections.  One can listen to an uninterrupted exchange and make his/her own decision. 

Senator Obama appears to do a lot of blaming without offering many solutions.  He simply repeats a list of debatable and non-debatable things that need to be done.  And on a few occasions he didn’t answer the specific question or address the disputed issue.  Why don’t people want to see it?  Many fell in love with Barack Obama so fast, but it’s time to break up now. 

Senator McCain asks you to look at his record, so PLEASE look at his record and let’s keep the debate pure – I’m an Independent.  Ignore ridiculous media bias and put aside party bias — Think for yourself.  Pick the best person for America today.

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Today Senator John McCain picked Governor Sarah Palin to be his Vice President.  I had not heard of her and was most surprised to learn that she’s only 44 and has five kids.  Wow!  How is it possible to be Vice President of the United States too?  I surely haven’t accomplished enough.

I hope John McCain didn’t pick her just because she’s a woman.  Too much misdirected strategy goes on in politics — But I guess she can represent CHANGE now too.  She’s young and doesn’t have much political experience, similar to Barack Obama.  Two young and experienced combos.  That makes for an interesting race.  I hope the next President and Vice President do what’s best for the people and the country.

I’ve read a little and listened to Sarah Palin’s speech on the radio this morning and she sounded real.  I like a person who fights against the odds for what’s right — We need more people with the guts to do it.  We’ve got three more months to learn more about the changes that need to occur.  It appears the political race is finally on.  Two years is too long to run for office — It has been a waste of time and money.

Finally, I’m a brat to mention this, but don’t you think her kid’s names are a bit over the top – HA.  Sorry kids, different is good. 🙂

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United we stand, divided we fall — It’s true.  At today’s Democratic Convention, Hillary Clinton told me that the Democrats are America’s only hope for the future.  That seemed a bit pessimistic about the country, divisive, and over dramatic, but as expected everyone clapped on cue. 

But fingers will most likely be pointed in the opposite direction at the Republican Convention next week.  Why must we so harshly divide into separate groups?  The issues remain the same and shouldn’t be oversimplified.  Politics is not a sport, nor a tag line.  Real things need to get done fast — But all we usually see is a transfer of power and wealth, not enough being accomplished for Americans.

No matter who gets elected in November, we should stand behind him and work together.  Division isn’t good for the country.  We have the freedom to say what we think, but we should first ask ourselves — Does my expression benefit the United States, our soldiers, our children, society, or relations?  If not then ask yourself, what’s my point?  Some media responsibility is needed. 

Overall, unity makes for a better America.  Stop the new civil war, the Democrats versus Republicans, and the media’s play-by-play reporting of the same.  Many times there’s no good purpose for it.

Semi-related links for background and additional information:

Doesn’t Barack Obama know that Joe Biden is a big mouthed phony?  Can’t he see that Biden is quite full of himself?  That’s not a good quality in a leader.  Both have some time to go in this final stretch of the way too long race to The White House.  There’s a lot of crap out there regarding Mr. Biden, which I’m sure will start flinging full speed on Monday.

For the record, I’m not an Obama fan, but thought he had a better chance without Biden — In other words, I don’t know enough about Obama to become an immediate cheerleader like much of the media.  It doesn’t make sense.  I don’t have anything against him, but I’m not falling for his well delivered speeches.  That’s just fluff.

My vote will most likely be for John McCain, since Mitt Romney dropped out way too soon, or I may vote for Bob Barr — I’m not completely sure.  I want real change, not just the promise of it.  We hear the same promise each race, but don’t see it from the two over-emphasized parties.  It’s just a tug of war.  And once again we’re forced to pick the best of the worst.

Back to the heading — I do think Obama blew his chance to become President by picking Joe Biden.  I thought he was a little smarter than that.  It’s almost comical — Joe Biden is not change, he’s status quo. 

I hear that Delaware residents are happy that Biden got picked to be Obama’s running mate, since it will get him out of their state.  If that’s the popular consensus in Delaware, it’s not a good sign for the rest of the country.

POST ELECTION UPDATE:  Barack Obama won the Presidential Election, but I don’t think Joe Biden helped any — Yet perhaps he might have swayed those who never heard of him.  He was on his best behavior with his big perma-smile.  Now that he’s going to be our Vice President, I hope he does the right thing.  And let’s see this CHANGE they talked about.

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